PTs, PTAs, Patients, Clients | We Need Your Help | Medicare Payment Cuts

Practice & Advocacy,

Our profession is facing Medicare payment cuts, and we need you and your patients and clients to take action to ensure Congress steps in. Over the past year, APTA and our members have sent thousands of letters to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services raising concerns about these cuts and providing recommendations to address the problem. CMS has not responded. We’re now calling on Congress to prevent these pending 9% cuts, which will reduce patient access and create instability in the health care system. We should be encouraging access to PTs and PTAs, who can prevent falls, opioid use, and costly procedures. Instead, CMS is creating barriers.

These cuts never made sense. During a pandemic, they’re even more devastating. Please join our members in fighting these cuts. Congress must act soon, and your voice matters!

The APTA has created a public template letter to make advocacy easy.

Please share this link with patients, colleagues, friends, and family, and encourage them to send a letter of their own.