PT Locator

Find expert physical therapy for pelvic and abdominal health wellness
PT Locator™ is a directory that helps patients find a licensed Physical Therapist / Physiotherapist (PT) or Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA) who specializes in pelvic and abdominal health physical therapy in their area. The PT Locator tool serves as a central database where members can list their practice information, website, education, certifications, and areas of practice by updating their membership profile.
Whether you're recovering from an injury, managing a chronic condition, working toward strengthening your pelvic floor, or seeking specialized care, PT Locator connects you with trained clinicians dedicated to your well-being. Interested in learning more about the benefits of pelvic and abdominal health physical therapy? Learn more via our patient-friendly resource directory.
Did pelvic health physical therapy help you? We would love to hear your story!
Please note that this directory is not an exhaustive list of all PTs and PTAs who specialize in pelvic and abdominal health physical therapy. Only Academy of Pelvic Health Physical Therapy members in good standing who opt in to promote their practice on PT Locator are listed in this directory. This resource is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation of any particular provider or service. Users are advised to independently verify the profile information and suitability of the listed professionals for their specific needs.
If you're a Physical Therapist or Physical Therapist Assistant and feel that a specific area of expertise is missing from our available filters, we invite you to submit a request through our PT Locator Wishlist form for our review and consideration.
Search by provider name or click on FILTERS below to narrow your search by location, specialty, certification, and more to find the right PT for your needs.
All third-party health clinicians listed on this website are members of the Academy of Pelvic Health Physical Therapy, a component of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA Pelvic Health), and have indicated they have expertise and skills in pelvic and abdominal health physical therapy.
The identification of third-party health clinicians and the provision of any related information are intended solely for your convenience and information. They do not constitute a recommendation or endorsement by APTA Pelvic Health of these health clinicians or their goods and services. Specifically, APTA Pelvic Health does not endorse the use of unproven procedures and treatments.
APTA Pelvic Health does not assume any responsibility for the goods or services provided by the clinicians listed on this website. Furthermore, APTA Pelvic Health has not conducted background checks, screenings, or other investigations on these third parties or the information they provide for inclusion on this website.
Before consulting any clinician identified on this website, you should conduct your own inquiries to verify if the practitioner, as well as the goods and services they offer, are suitable for your needs.
Women's Health Menopause Menstruation Pain Menstruation Management Peri-menopause Infertility Hormones Vaginal Dryness Female Athlete Endometriosis Osteoporosis Lipedema Bladder Health Urinary Incontinence Male Incontinence Urge Incontinence Stress Incontinence Urgency and Frequency Chronic UTIs Painful Bladder Syndrome Interstitial Cystitis Nocturia Bowel Bowel Incontinence Constipation IBS Toileting Posture Cancer Breast Pelvic Lymphedema Prostate Dry Needling Orthopedics Hip Pain Lumbago Sciatica Sacroiliac Dysfunction Postural Disorders Connective Tissue Disorders Hypermobility, Peds Pelvic Pain Chronic Pelvic Pain Male Pelvic Health Fibromyalgia Rectal Pain Pelvic Girdle Pain Coccydynia Pudendal Neuralgia Vulvodynia Vaginismus Dyspareunia Proctalgia Fugax Vestibulutis Vestibulodynia Preg and Post Cesarean Incision Scar DRA Lactation Sexual Health Sexual Dysfunction LGBTQIA+ Transgender Trauma Informed Care Non-Cancer Related Post-Surgical Dysfunction Hernia Hysterectomy Cesarian section Bladder sling Prolapse repair Hemorrhoidectomy Health and Wellness RED-S Nutrition Eating Disorders Cardiovascular Autoimmune Pulmonary Obesity-Related Conditions Metabolic Syndrome Psychological Conditions Arthritis Pelvic Floor Dysfunction Pelvic Muscle Weakness Pelvic Muscle Spasm Pelvic Organ Prolapse Pessary Management Rectocele Cystocele Uterocele Neurologic Disorders Balance Disorders Parkinson Autonomic Dysreflexia Catheter Training Neurodiversity, PT Locator, Fnd a Physical Therapist, Looking for pelvic floor pt, pelvic pain, help, Find a Physical Therapist Assistant, American Physical Therapy Association, Academy of Pelvic Health Physical Therapy, APTA Pelvic Health, Directory