What Do Pelvic Health Physical Therapists Do?

Patient Education,

Physical therapists (PTs) with specialized training in pelvic health and obstetric physical therapy can benefit a wide range of patients, including women, men, transgender individuals, children, and the elderly, who have various medical conditions. These therapists utilize all aspects of their physical therapy training to assess and treat their diverse clients, promoting and enhancing health throughout their lifespan. Individualized treatment plans are developed after a comprehensive evaluation.

It is essential to note that not all physical therapists have received training in treating conditions such as urinary incontinence, pelvic pain, prenatal and postpartum pain, or lymphedema. In some states, a referral from a primary care physician may be necessary before seeking treatment from a physical therapist.

Physical therapists pursue a variety of continuing education and professional development to better address their patients' needs. Two common certifications that are often pursued include:

  1. Board-Certified Women's Health Clinical Specialists – This certification assures that the physical therapist has demonstrated proficiency in the treatment of the above conditions. This certification granted is awarded by the American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties (ABPTS). Individuals earning this certification are physical therapists who have demonstrated proficiency in evaluating and treating a variety of women’s health diagnoses. Examples of these diagnoses include incontinence, pelvic floor pain, prenatal and postpartum care, breast and gynecological cancer care, lymphedema and considerations of treating the female athlete. Certified physical therapists demonstrate this through a combination of clinical care, written test and submission of a case report.
  2. CAPP-Pelvic or CAPP-OB Certified – The Certificate of Achievement in Physical Therapy is a certificate program granted by the Academy of Pelvic Health Physical Therapy. There are two types of CAPP certificates offered (CAPP-Pelvic and CAPP-OB). CAPP-Pelvic is awarded to certify that a physical therapist has completed a comprehensive education, training and testing program for the management of patients with diagnoses of pelvic health dysfunction, such as urinary incontinence and pelvic pain. CAPP-OB is awarded to certify that a physical therapist has completed a comprehensive education, training and testing program for management of pregnant and postpartum patients experiencing musculoskeletal dysfunction and high risk pregnancy.