Early Professional Pelvic Health Practice - Getting a Head Start

Posted By: Amanda N. Clarke Member Spotlight,

I am so fortunate that I got involved volunteering with the Academy of Pelvic Health as a PT student as it has helped to fastback and increase my pelvic health knowledge and confidence ten-fold. In my graduating class, there were not many students interested in this field; however, through the Academy I was able to meet incredible peers who share my passion and help to drive my practice forward each and every day. Additionally, taking the Pelvic Health courses offered through the Academy have helped me to become a more confident clinician even in my early years of practice. I highly recommend getting involved!

Author: Amanda Clarke PT, DPT

2023 EPSIG CAPP Scholarship Recipient

Author Bio: I am a Pelvic Health Physical Therapist within 2 years of practice, practicing currently in Bonita Springs, FL. I have been volunteering as SSIG (Student Special Interest Group) and EPSIG (Early Professional Interest Group) director since 2020.