Student Flash Action Strategy Focuses on PT-PAC

Posted By: Gail Heather Zitterkopf Practice & Advocacy,

By Gail Zitterkopf, PT, DPT, CLT, CKTP

Each year the American Physical Therapy Association selects an item for the student flash action strategy (FAS). In 2016 this initiative was used as an opportunity to education students on the activities and goals of the Physical Therapy Political Action Committee (PT-PAC) and the importance of fundraising.

PT-PAC is the sole fundraising organization that provides access to and education of legislators to champion and influence PT legislative interests at the federal level.

The vision of PT-PAC is to become the number one PAC representing health professions in the United States and to provide the resources to create a network of congressional champions on physical therapy issues. That vision can be achieved if every APTA member donated just $20 annually to PT-PAC!

During the 2016 FAS, inspired APTA student members raised approximately $8,000 and engaged 250 student stars ($20 donors), as well as other donors.

Nearly 100 programs participated in the flash action strategy, and the top five schools were (1) University of Dayton, (2) West Coast University, (3) Texas Womens’ University, (4) Mount Saint Mary’s, and (5) South College. Congratulations!

Thank you to all of the students, programs, and professors who supported the 2016 FAS! Stay tuned for information later about the 2017 FAS focus.

The success of FAS is a great reminder to all Section on Women’s Health members, PT professionals, and students that–through your memberships in APTA and SOWH–your voices are being carried to legislators and policy makers on Capitol Hill and in state legislatures nationwide. At such a tumultuous time in health care, this member service is more important than ever.

Donations to PT-PAC are easy to make online at

Please note that funds for state PAC are earmarked for state legislative issues, while PT-PAC is earmarked for federal legislative issues that affect all 50 states and territories.

AUTHOR: Gail Zitterkopf, PT, DPT, CLT, CKTP, is 2017 chair of the SOWH Federal Affairs Committee.