Discovery Physical Therapy
Amy Irene has 20+ years experience specializing in treating people with pelvic muscle dysfunction contributing to pelvic pain, incontinence, constipation, pelvic organ prolapse, and bowel and bladder urgency. Amy Irene also works with children with night and daytime wetting problems, constipation and encopresis. Amy Irene has extensive experience improving the childbearing experience for pregnant and postpartum women through teaching childbirth preparation classes, teaching pregnancy and postpartum fitness classes, supporting women during childbirth, and offering physical therapy treatment to treat pain during and after pregnancy.
Bowel Incontinence, Breast Cancer, Constipation, Male Incontinence (Non-Surgical), Male Pelvic Health, Orthopedics, Osteoporosis, Pediatric Pelvic Health, Pelvic Pain, Pregnancy & Postpartum, Transgender Pelvic Health, Urinary Incontinence
Women, Men, Transgender men
Outpatient Clinic/Private Practice
Eastern Washington University [WA] (PT-00046)